Thông báo
Unspecified fracture of left forearm, sequela
Reposition Bilateral Ovaries, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Valaria MacAnulty
Quảng cáo
Dilation of Left Axillary Vein, Percutaneous Approach
Germaine Chitham
Thông báo
Contusion of abdominal wall, sequela
Revision of Nonautologous Tissue Substitute in Left Metacarpocarpal Joint, Percutaneous Approach
Cathleen Volet
Quảng cáo
Unspecified injury of popliteal vein, right leg, subs encntr
Measurement of Respiratory Flow, Via Natural or Artificial Opening
Ellerey Steljes
Quảng cáo
Other fracture of fifth metacarpal bone, right hand, sequela
Extirpation of Matter from Left Carpal Joint, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Orlan Coughlan
Thông báo
Viral cardiomyopathy
Release Left Humeral Shaft, Percutaneous Approach
Eunice Corcut
Thông báo
Nondisp spiral fx shaft of unsp femr, 7thF
Drainage of Right Anterior Chamber, Percutaneous Approach
Jayme Demougeot
Thông báo
Displaced transverse fracture of unsp patella, sequela
Drainage of Left Palatine Bone, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach, Diagnostic
Chance Van Waadenburg
Thông báo
Laceration of head of pancreas, unspecified degree
Planar Nuclear Medicine Imaging of Lungs and Bronchi using Krypton (Kr-81m)
Grata Sinnett
Quảng cáo
Adult sexual abuse, suspected, sequela
Insertion of Hemodynamic Monitoring Device into Abdomen Subcutaneous Tissue and Fascia, Open Approach
Vina Brunnen
Thông báo
Cleft lip, unilateral
Bypass Pulmonary Trunk from Carotid with Autologous Venous Tissue, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Foss Comolli
Quảng cáo
Secondary noninfectious iridocyclitis
Therapeutic Exercise Treatment of Integumentary System - Whole Body using Aerobic Endurance and Conditioning Equipment
Benjamen Connett
Quảng cáo
Unsp Zone I fracture of sacrum, init for clos fx
Replacement of Urethra with Nonautologous Tissue Substitute, Via Natural or Artificial Opening
Brittney MacAskie
Thông báo
Miotic pupillary cyst, unspecified eye
Dilation of Face Artery, Bifurcation, with Four or More Intraluminal Devices, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Janeta McCabe
Thông báo
Chorioretinal scars after surgery for detachment, unsp eye
Removal of Internal Fixation Device from Right Finger Phalanx, External Approach
Fidelia Circuit
Quảng cáo
Complete placenta previa NOS or without hemorrhage
Excision of Left Tunica Vaginalis, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach, Diagnostic
Sephira Moncreiffe
Thông báo
Burn of third degree of left scapular region, sequela
Occlusion of Left Renal Vein with Intraluminal Device, Percutaneous Approach
Gare Breeder
Quảng cáo
Pnctr w fb of right lesser toe(s) w/o damage to nail, sqla
Bypass Coronary Artery, Three Arteries from Right Internal Mammary with Zooplastic Tissue, Open Approach
Dorri Ramstead
Thông báo
Stable burst fracture of T9-T10 vertebra
Drainage of Lower Jaw with Drainage Device, Percutaneous Approach
Vick Burgon
Thông báo
Bent bone of r radius, subs for opn fx type I/2 w malunion
Restriction of Left Femoral Artery with Extraluminal Device, Open Approach
Augusto Clacson
Thông báo
Injury of left uterine vein, initial encounter
Removal of Autologous Tissue Substitute from Left Finger Phalanx, Percutaneous Approach
Cathie Cattle
Quảng cáo
Lacerat extn/abdr musc/fasc/tend of l thm at forarm lv, init
Excision of Right Lower Extremity, Open Approach
Prentiss Strutley
Thông báo
External constriction of left index finger, init encntr
Extirpation of Matter from Left Finger Phalangeal Joint, Open Approach
Stirling Kordt
Quảng cáo
Poisoning by unsp hormone antagonists, intentional self-harm
Revision of Drainage Device in Left Metacarpocarpal Joint, Percutaneous Approach
Pia Dumbleton
Thông báo
Toxic effect of venom of N & S American snake, undet, subs
Restriction of Right Femoral Vein, Open Approach
Isa Ortes
Quảng cáo
HELLP syndrome (HELLP), third trimester
Supplement Azygos Vein with Nonautologous Tissue Substitute, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Chaddie Lofty
Quảng cáo
Persistent migraine aura w/o cerebral infarction, not ntrct
Bypass Coronary Artery, Four or More Arteries from Abdominal Artery with Nonautologous Tissue Substitute, Open Approach
Lind Abbe
Thông báo
Superficial foreign body of unsp eyelid and periocular area
Removal of Synthetic Substitute from Left Tarsal, Percutaneous Approach
Nicko Cosson
Quảng cáo
Nondisp commnt fx shaft of r tibia, init for opn fx type I/2
Excision of Hard Palate, Percutaneous Approach
Hope Andrivel
Quảng cáo
Gastric contents in bronchus causing asphyxiation, subs
Repair Right Toe Phalangeal Joint, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Ryann Vedeniktov
Thông báo
Cont preg aft uterin dth of one fts or more, unsp tri, fts1
Removal of Spacer from Left Temporomandibular Joint, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Sally Pischoff
Thông báo
Vitamin A deficiency with night blindness
Dilation of Left External Carotid Artery with Three Drug-eluting Intraluminal Devices, Percutaneous Approach
Danila Millen
Quảng cáo
Prsn outsd pk-up/van inj in clsn w nonmtr veh in traf, subs
Replacement of Left Fibula with Autologous Tissue Substitute, Open Approach
Riobard Rodolf
Thông báo
Injury of oth nerves at hip and thigh level, unsp leg, subs
Supplement Left Glenoid Cavity with Nonautologous Tissue Substitute, Open Approach
Harmon Lindsell
Quảng cáo
ABO incompatibility w delayed hemolytic transfs react, subs
Extirpation of Matter from Left Humeral Shaft, Percutaneous Approach
Marni Gimson
Thông báo
Fever presenting with conditions classified elsewhere
Extirpation of Matter from Left Vitreous, Percutaneous Approach
Germain Boldt
Quảng cáo
Scooter (nonmotorized) colliding w stationary object, init
Removal of Infusion Device from Lower Back, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Broderick Golby
Quảng cáo
Superficial foreign body of right little finger, init encntr
Computerized Tomography (CT Scan) of Bilateral Kidneys using Low Osmolar Contrast, Unenhanced and Enhanced
Belia Landrean
Thông báo
Burn of second degree of right hand, unsp site, sequela
Fusion of Left Metacarpocarpal Joint with Internal Fixation Device, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Normand Cotes
Quảng cáo
Pedl cyc driver inj in clsn w 2/3-whl mv nontraf, sequela
Insertion of Neurostimulator Lead into Brain, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Judas Tammadge
Quảng cáo
Unspecified injury of unspecified part of colon, init encntr
Revision of Autologous Tissue Substitute in Right Lower Extremity, External Approach
Bentley McIsaac
Quảng cáo
Oth osteopor w current path fracture, unsp humerus, init
Repair Pancreatic Duct, Percutaneous Approach
Selestina Cunnow
Quảng cáo
Occup of 3-whl mv injured in clsn w hv veh in traf, subs
Dilation of Right Lower Lobe Bronchus with Intraluminal Device, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Oriana Lupson
Quảng cáo
Unsp injury of musc/fasc/tend long head of biceps, right arm
Drainage of Left Patella, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach, Diagnostic
Delmor Howieson
Thông báo
Acute myringitis, unspecified ear
Supplement Occipital-cervical Joint with Autologous Tissue Substitute, Percutaneous Approach
Erasmus Lavallie
Quảng cáo
Urethral stricture
Dilation of Right External Iliac Vein with Intraluminal Device, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Salaidh Petrushanko
Quảng cáo
Disease of pancreas, unspecified
Drainage of Right Maxillary Sinus, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach, Diagnostic
Katusha Motherwell
Quảng cáo
Other superficial bite of right shoulder, initial encounter
Excision of Upper Back, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach, Diagnostic
Hana Argent
Quảng cáo
Retinal detachment with single break
Removal of Infusion Device from Brain, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Berget Croster
Quảng cáo
Disp fx of base of 3rd MC bone, r hand, 7thK
Supplement Left Hip Bursa and Ligament with Autologous Tissue Substitute, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Dorri Girdler
Quảng cáo
Unspecified dislocation of left index finger, init encntr
Excision of Right Vocal Cord, Percutaneous Approach, Diagnostic
Lotti Eric
Thông báo
Unspecified sprain of left index finger
Muscles, Extirpation
Cindelyn Dixson
Quảng cáo
Non-pressure chronic ulcer of left thigh
Occlusion of Right Radial Artery with Extraluminal Device, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Keefer McVitie
Quảng cáo
Displ trimalleol fx r low leg, subs for clos fx w delay heal
Removal of Nonautologous Tissue Substitute from Cisterna Chyli, Percutaneous Approach
Carlyn Graith
Quảng cáo
Strain of unsp musc/tend at lower leg level, unsp leg
Caregiver Training in Application, Proper Use and Care of Orthoses using Prosthesis
Danila France
Thông báo
Oth disorders of ear/mastd following mastoidectomy
Insertion of Other Device into Cranial Cavity, Open Approach
Amara Pude
Thông báo
Anterior cord syndrome at C4 level of cervical spinal cord
Restriction of Sigmoid Colon with Intraluminal Device, Percutaneous Approach
Rogers Toon
Thông báo
Nondisp fx of middle third of navicular bone of left wrist
Removal of External Fixation Device from Left Humeral Shaft, Percutaneous Approach
Lotty Pearce
Quảng cáo
Nondisp fx of intermediate cuneiform of unspecified foot
Revision of Autologous Tissue Substitute in Ureter, Via Natural or Artificial Opening Endoscopic
Hiram Oglethorpe
Quảng cáo
Assault by strike by oth type of sport equipment, sequela
Extirpation of Matter from Bilateral Vas Deferens, Open Approach
Madalena Soots
Thông báo
Melanoma in situ of unsp ear and external auricular canal
Drainage of Left Innominate Vein with Drainage Device, Open Approach
Vinnie Ecclesall
Thông báo
Unspecified injury of abdominal aorta, sequela
Drainage of Right Lesser Saphenous Vein, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Freda Sutterby
Quảng cáo
Fracture of condylar process of right mandible, sequela
Removal of Synthetic Substitute from Right Elbow Joint, Open Approach
Corene Doddemeede
Quảng cáo
Sezary disease, intrathoracic lymph nodes
Reattachment of Left Upper Eyelid, External Approach
Janina Szachniewicz
Thông báo
Lead-induced chronic gout, unsp shoulder, without tophus
Supplement Right Femoral Shaft with Nonautologous Tissue Substitute, Percutaneous Approach
Averyl Heggadon
Thông báo
Mech loosening of internal left hip prosthetic joint, subs
Bypass Cerebral Ventricle to Atrium with Autologous Tissue Substitute, Open Approach
Louisette Mercer
Thông báo
Wedge compression fracture of third thor vertebra, sequela
Excision of Chordae Tendineae, Open Approach
Bartholomeus Lowings
Thông báo
Nontraumatic ischemic infarction of muscle, hand
Repair Left Fallopian Tube, Via Natural or Artificial Opening Endoscopic
Joshia Frise
Quảng cáo
Unspecified dislocation of right foot, subsequent encounter
Bypass Coronary Artery, One Artery from Aorta with Synthetic Substitute, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Ibrahim Cressey
Quảng cáo
Inj flexor musc/fasc/tend right thumb at forearm level
Restriction of Right Middle Lobe Bronchus with Intraluminal Device, Percutaneous Approach
Deborah Luna
Thông báo
Carrier or suspected carrier of methicillin resis staph
Dilation of Left Thyroid Artery, Bifurcation, Percutaneous Approach
Tallie Skade
Thông báo
Mature T/NK-cell lymphomas, unsp, intra-abd lymph nodes
Extirpation of Matter from Bilateral Testes, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Shirlee Bach
Quảng cáo
Displacement of int fix of bone of right forearm
Dilation of Left Internal Mammary Artery with Intraluminal Device, Open Approach
Arne Assard
Thông báo
Laceration of intrinsic msl/tnd at ank/ft level, unsp foot
Supplement Right Peroneal Artery with Nonautologous Tissue Substitute, Open Approach
Eugenia Vyvyan
Quảng cáo
Nondisp segmental fx shaft of ulna, unsp arm, sequela
Extirpation of Matter from Genitourinary Tract, Open Approach
Rina Horlick
Thông báo
Poisn by oth agents prim acting on the resp sys, undet, sqla
Destruction of Buttock Skin, Multiple, External Approach
Theresa Dunan
Quảng cáo
Abnormal tumor markers
Dilation of Left Axillary Artery, Bifurcation, with Four or More Drug-eluting Intraluminal Devices, Open Approach
Fremont Maplethorpe
Quảng cáo
Syphilis complicating the puerperium
Repair Male Reproductive System in Products of Conception with Other Device, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Elinor Kinsley
Quảng cáo
Other subluxation of left radial head, subsequent encounter
Bypass Left Common Iliac Artery to Bilateral External Iliac Arteries with Autologous Arterial Tissue, Open Approach
Sinclare Goulborn
Quảng cáo
Oth extrartic fx low end r rad, 7thD
Replacement of Left Tibia with Autologous Tissue Substitute, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Allin Barthrup
Quảng cáo
Other physeal fracture of lower end of humerus
Release Right Pulmonary Vein, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Beniamino Conboy
Thông báo
Strain of unsp musc/fasc/tend at wrs/hnd lv, unsp hand, subs
Excision of Left Upper Extremity, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach, Diagnostic
Lionel Beauvais
Quảng cáo
Female infertility associated with anovulation
Dilation of Right Eustachian Tube, Percutaneous Approach
Bourke Wooding
Thông báo
Rupture of synovium, right finger(s)
Bypass Right External Iliac Artery to Foot Artery with Autologous Arterial Tissue, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Bernette Hoffman
Quảng cáo
Maternal care for hereditary disease in fetus, oth
Supplement Right Thumb Phalanx with Synthetic Substitute, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Timmie Kabos
Quảng cáo
Pressure ulcer of unspecified heel, stage 3
Release Left Metatarsal, Open Approach
Bette-ann Tschiersch
Thông báo
Unsp traum displ spondylolysis of 7th cervcal vert, 7thD
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Bladder
Rafaellle Dighton
Thông báo
Inferior subluxation of right humerus, subsequent encounter
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Bilateral Testicles using Other Contrast, Unenhanced and Enhanced
Alina Geard
Quảng cáo
Oth injury of vein at forearm level, left arm, subs encntr
Alteration of Upper Back, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Nisse Dyet
Quảng cáo
Nondisp fx of ant column of left acetab, init for opn fx
Removal of Nonautologous Tissue Substitute from Right Sternoclavicular Joint, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Aindrea MacKellar
Thông báo
Disp fx of less trochanter of r femr, 7thE
Bursae and Ligaments, Repair
Risa Pingston
Thông báo
Other iris atrophy
Insertion of Spacer into Right Finger Phalangeal Joint, Open Approach
Moore Eminson
Thông báo
Oth parlyt synd fol ntrm subarach hemor aff right dom side
Replacement of Right Posterior Tibial Artery with Synthetic Substitute, Open Approach
Ellyn Bellow
Thông báo
Terrorism involving biological weapons
Introduction of Local Anesthetic into Lymphatics, Percutaneous Approach
Mathew Leyfield
Thông báo
Other intervertebral disc degeneration, lumbar region
Destruction of Left Epididymis, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Bink Knevett
Quảng cáo
Other osteonecrosis, unspecified shoulder
Restriction of Right Popliteal Artery, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Auguste Spellesy
Thông báo
Posterior subluxation of unspecified humerus
Removal of Radioactive Element from Lower Jaw, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Andy Gettings
Quảng cáo
Contact w and exposure to potentially hazardous body fluids
Resection of Right Main Bronchus, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Chryste Miklem
Quảng cáo
Poisoning by antipruritics, intentional self-harm
Drainage of Right Neck Muscle, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Dacy Hylton
Thông báo
Struck by alligator, subsequent encounter
Revision of Autologous Tissue Substitute in Left Rib, Open Approach
Floyd Gout
Quảng cáo
Other physeal fracture of upper end of femur
Repair Pericardium, Open Approach
Guthrey Kowal
Quảng cáo
Other diseases of spleen
Destruction of Right Shoulder Bursa and Ligament, Percutaneous Approach
Ashley Hatt
Quảng cáo
Unspecified corneal degeneration
Insertion of Intraluminal Device into Large Intestine, Via Natural or Artificial Opening Endoscopic
Bernarr McPaike
Quảng cáo
Person injured wh brd/alit from oth sp off-rd mv, sequela
Insertion of Infusion Device into Left Hip Joint, Percutaneous Approach
Eberhard Daft
Quảng cáo
Oth venous comp following incomplete spontaneous abortion
Insertion of Intramedullary Internal Fixation Device into Left Upper Femur, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Timothea Francesch
Thông báo
Other specified disorders of iris and ciliary body
Dilation of Right Upper Lobe Bronchus with Intraluminal Device, Via Natural or Artificial Opening Endoscopic
Aurelea Mattock
Quảng cáo
Corrosion of first degree of unspecified ear, subs encntr
Alteration of Abdominal Wall, Open Approach
Benedicta Porcas
Quảng cáo
Unsp pedl cyclst inj pick-up truck, pk-up/van nontraf, init
Revision of Drainage Device in Penis, Via Natural or Artificial Opening
Hoebart Chittenden
Thông báo
Injury of median nerve at forearm level, left arm, sequela
Contact Radiation of Nose
Maryann Axford
Thông báo
Other rupture of muscle (nontraumatic), left lower leg
Reposition Right Ulna with Intramedullary Internal Fixation Device, Open Approach
Darryl Edgson
Quảng cáo
Fracture of one rib
Bypass Left Subclavian Artery to Left Extracranial Artery with Autologous Venous Tissue, Open Approach
Pierre Ormerod
Thông báo
Unsp fx left femur, subs for opn fx type 3A/B/C w malunion
Extirpation of Matter from Upper Tooth, Single, Open Approach
Angeline Coulson
Thông báo
Sprain of unsp cruciate ligament of unsp knee, subs encntr
Repair Right Internal Mammary Artery, Percutaneous Approach
Andy Lehrmann
Quảng cáo
Unspecified complication of procedure, subsequent encounter
Inspection of Left Sacroiliac Joint, External Approach
Dalenna Harral
Quảng cáo
Chronic myringitis
Beam Radiation of Liver using Photons <1 MeV
Thomas Sumbler
Quảng cáo
Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of unspecified ovary
Resection of Common Bile Duct, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Loree Spencley
Quảng cáo
Oth spon disruption of capsular ligament of right knee
Reattachment of Left Ankle Region, Open Approach
Vail Whannel
Thông báo
Subluxation of L3/L4 lumbar vertebra, subsequent encounter
Drainage of Cerebellum, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Devlen Glentworth
Thông báo
Unsp fx first MC bone, left hand, subs for fx w delay heal
Bypass Left Fallopian Tube to Right Fallopian Tube, Open Approach
Atlanta Ducroe
Thông báo
Displ transverse fx r patella, 7thF
Revision of Nonautologous Tissue Substitute in Thoracic Vertebral Disc, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Linnet Rosthorn
Thông báo
Partial traumatic amp of unsp foot, level unsp, sequela
Bypass Upper Esophagus to Duodenum with Nonautologous Tissue Substitute, Via Natural or Artificial Opening Endoscopic
Umberto Fidal
Quảng cáo
Open bite of finger without damage to nail
Introduction of Oxazolidinones into Central Vein, Percutaneous Approach
Arluene Rockwill
Thông báo
Oth injury of right external jugular vein, init encntr
Restriction of Middle Colic Artery with Intraluminal Device, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Godwin Hush
Thông báo
Nondisp fx of 5th metatarsal bone, l ft, 7thK
Reposition Right Hip Muscle, Open Approach
Modesty Lidgely
Quảng cáo
Corros first degree of single r finger except thumb, subs
Removal of Intraluminal Device from Lower Intestinal Tract, Via Natural or Artificial Opening Endoscopic
Chad Burgett
Thông báo
Bus occupant injured in collision w hv veh
Excision of Right Foot Vein, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach, Diagnostic
Charil Soaper
Thông báo
Unspecified injury of blood vessel of left index finger
Reposition Right Radius, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Garwin Jime
Quảng cáo
Monoarthritis, not elsewhere classified, unspecified wrist
Bypass Ileum to Anus with Synthetic Substitute, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Lem Tomes
Thông báo
Drug-induced adrenocortical insufficiency
Drainage of Left Inferior Parathyroid Gland, Percutaneous Approach, Diagnostic
Alyssa Brownjohn
Quảng cáo
Thoracic spina bifida without hydrocephalus
Drainage of Lumbar Plexus, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach, Diagnostic
Lu Gratrix
Thông báo
Oth fx lower end of right tibia, init for opn fx type 3A/B/C
Computerized Tomography (CT Scan) of Celiac Artery using Other Contrast
Humfrey Tourville
Quảng cáo
Fracture of superior rim of unsp pubis, init for opn fx
Occlusion of Upper Artery with Extraluminal Device, Open Approach
Liza Dudson
Thông báo
Oth fx upper end of unsp radius, subs for clos fx w malunion
Extirpation of Matter from Cervical Vertebral Disc, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Keely Jewkes
Quảng cáo
Displaced transverse fracture of left patella, init
Repair Left Internal Mammary Artery, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Haven Plomer
Thông báo
Oth fx head/neck of unsp femr, 7thQ
Replacement of Cervical Vertebral Joint with Autologous Tissue Substitute, Open Approach
Kim Perrat
Quảng cáo
Sprain of MCP joint of right middle finger, sequela
Repair Left Lower Extremity Lymphatic, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Annamarie covino
Quảng cáo
Central cord syndrome at C7 level of cervical spinal cord
Removal of Radioactive Element from Male Perineum, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Lorenzo Moorman
Thông báo
Disp fx of head of left rad, subs for clos fx w delay heal
Excision of Right Lower Extremity Lymphatic, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Gwenore Po
Thông báo
Insulin and oral hypoglycemic drugs
Excision of Left Knee Region, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Bendite Stang-Gjertsen
Thông báo
Minor opacity of cornea, right eye
Introduction of Other Thrombolytic into Central Artery, Percutaneous Approach
Elbertine Draisey
Quảng cáo
Unsp fx low end l femr, 7thJ
Dilation of Left Upper Lobe Bronchus with Intraluminal Device, Percutaneous Approach
Manon Andric
Quảng cáo
Encounter for screening for upper gastrointestinal disorder
Occlusion of Left Face Vein with Intraluminal Device, Open Approach
Cortie Antonich
Quảng cáo
Legal intervnt w unsp blunt obj, law enforc offl inj, sqla
Excision of Right Pulmonary Vein, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach, Diagnostic
Dionysus Oakeby
Quảng cáo
Disp fx of trapezium, right wrist, subs for fx w delay heal
Repair Olfactory Nerve, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Kalila Corlett
Thông báo
Fracture of unspecified phalanx of left ring finger
Insertion of Infusion Device into Right Eye, Percutaneous Approach
Laurene Goch
Thông báo
Other postprocedural states
Revision of Infusion Device in Right Upper Extremity, Percutaneous Approach
Ariela Sherborne
Thông báo
Small cell B-cell lymphoma, unspecified site
Revision of Intraluminal Device in Larynx, Via Natural or Artificial Opening Endoscopic
Ailina Maffulli
Thông báo
Oth fx shaft of l femr, 7thH
Drainage of Left Lower Extremity, Percutaneous Approach, Diagnostic
Opal Banting
Quảng cáo
Siderosis of eye, left eye
Fusion of 2 or more Lumbar Vertebral Joints with Autologous Tissue Substitute, Posterior Approach, Anterior Column, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Giovanni Grimsey
Thông báo
Unsp fx r patella, subs for opn fx type 3A/B/C w nonunion
Restriction of Left Parotid Duct with Intraluminal Device, Via Natural or Artificial Opening
Thor Trowl
Quảng cáo
Burn unsp degree of unsp mult fngr (nail), inc thumb, sqla
Replacement of Left Hip Joint with Ceramic Synthetic Substitute, Cemented, Open Approach
Kasey Toffolini
Quảng cáo
Occup of hv veh injured in collision w hv veh nontraf, subs
Destruction of Duodenum, Via Natural or Artificial Opening Endoscopic
Ray Piris
Quảng cáo
Late newborn, not heavy for gestational age
Fluoroscopy of Left Common Carotid Artery
Chrotoem Lasham
Thông báo
Disp fx of distal phalanx of thmb, subs for fx w delay heal
Introduction of Blood Brain Barrier Disruption Substance into Peripheral Artery, Open Approach
Denni Carah
Quảng cáo
Milt op w indir blast effect of nuclear weapon, milt, subs
Bypass Lower Esophagus to Jejunum with Autologous Tissue Substitute, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Erica Clemitt
Thông báo
Nondisp fx of med phalanx of r mid fngr, 7thP
Revision of Autologous Tissue Substitute in Left Metacarpal, Percutaneous Approach
Adelaide Nutley
Thông báo
Complete traumatic amp at level betw right hip and knee
Dilation of Anus, Open Approach
Keslie Pedlar
Thông báo
Activities involving arts and handcrafts
Drainage of Right Renal Artery with Drainage Device, Open Approach
Latisha Gosalvez
Thông báo
Unspecified fracture of upper end of left tibia, sequela
Dilation of Left Vertebral Artery, Bifurcation, with Intraluminal Device, Open Approach
Fidole Milnthorpe
Quảng cáo
Sltr-haris Type III physl fx low end rad, r arm, 7thP
Introduction of Analgesics, Hypnotics, Sedatives into Skin and Mucous Membranes, External Approach
Raddy Tutt
Quảng cáo
Postimmunization arthropathy, right knee
Transfer Facial Muscle with Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Lynde Lineen
Thông báo
Displ oth extrartic fx unsp calcaneus, 7thK
Occlusion of Celiac Artery with Intraluminal Device, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Alex Baldrick
Quảng cáo
Laceration with foreign body of anus
Revision of Synthetic Substitute in Left Hip Joint, External Approach
Caldwell Slade
Thông báo
Pressure ulcer of right upper back, stage 2
Restriction of Right External Carotid Artery with Extraluminal Device, Percutaneous Approach
Mikkel Frankcomb
Thông báo
Oth postproc complications and disorders of resp sys, NEC
Destruction of Right Thorax Tendon, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Derward Samms
Thông báo
Stable burst fracture of fourth thoracic vertebra, init
Occlusion of Splenic Vein with Extraluminal Device, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Lind Mustill
Thông báo
Family history of malignant neoplasm of breast
Transfusion of Nonautologous White Cells into Peripheral Vein, Percutaneous Approach
Leeann Yaakov
Thông báo
Other albinism with hematologic abnormality
Extirpation of Matter from Coronary Vein, Open Approach
Idette Curd
Quảng cáo
Displaced dome fracture of right talus
Excision of Left Knee Bursa and Ligament, Percutaneous Approach, Diagnostic
Pennie Blandford
Quảng cáo
Ulcerative colitis, unspecified
Transfer Facial Muscle with Skin, Open Approach
Marena Nyland
Quảng cáo
Other secondary syphilis of skin
Dilation of Left Vertebral Artery with Three Drug-eluting Intraluminal Devices, Open Approach
Huberto Knottley
Thông báo
Disp fx of epiphy (separation) (upper) of l femr, 7thM
Dilation of Left Temporal Artery, Bifurcation, with Two Drug-eluting Intraluminal Devices, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Clarie Huntress
Quảng cáo
Juvenile arthritis, unspecified, right hand
Alteration of Left Axilla, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Quincey Lehemann
Quảng cáo
Laceration of superficial vein at shldr/up arm, left arm
Drainage of Right Main Bronchus with Drainage Device, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Chrissy Myrick
Thông báo
Nondisp transverse fx shaft of l rad, 7thK
Replacement of Urethra with Synthetic Substitute, External Approach
Roz Zukerman
Thông báo
Corros third degree of unsp single finger except thumb
Removal of Infusion Device from Right Ankle Joint, External Approach
Helli Ollerhad
Thông báo
Nondisp commnt fx shaft of l femr, 7thR
Transfer Acoustic Nerve to Olfactory Nerve, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Sula Gonsalvo
Thông báo
Unsp opn wnd l frnt wl of thorax w/o penet thor cavity, subs
Bypass Bladder to Colocutaneous with Synthetic Substitute, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Peyter Worshall
Quảng cáo
Laceration of unspecified Achilles tendon, initial encounter
Inspection of Right Metacarpocarpal Joint, Open Approach
Jacquelynn Axleby
Quảng cáo
Sprain of tibiofibular ligament of left ankle
Excision of Left Ovary, Via Natural or Artificial Opening
Heddie Neagle
Quảng cáo
Oth parlyt synd fol ntrm intcrbl hemor aff right dom side
Extirpation of Matter from Left Internal Mammary Artery, Bifurcation, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Gloria Hellwing
Quảng cáo
Other disorders of lens
Insertion of Endobronchial Valve into Right Middle Lobe Bronchus, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Ceil Bounds
Thông báo
Varicose veins of other specified sites
Reposition Left Inferior Parathyroid Gland, Open Approach
Arri Compston
Thông báo
Left sided colitis without complications
Computerized Tomography (CT Scan) of Left Lower Extremity Arteries using Intravascular Optical Coherence
Josepha Antuk
Quảng cáo
Monoplg low lmb fol oth cerebvasc disease aff left dom side
Restriction of Hemiazygos Vein, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Olav Hamel
Thông báo
Oth fx shaft of r femr, 7thF
Replacement of Left Thyroid Artery with Nonautologous Tissue Substitute, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Tersina Grimsdith
Quảng cáo
Injury of unspecified iliac blood vessel(s), sequela
Dilation of Middle Colic Artery with Drug-eluting Intraluminal Device, Open Approach
Darren Dartan
Quảng cáo
Contusion of unspecified thigh
Measurement of Cardiac Electrical Activity, Open Approach
Crystie Glen
Thông báo
Fatigue fracture of vertebra
Insertion of Internal Fixation Device into Right Upper Femur, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Kally Burkett
Thông báo
Other specified intracranial injuries
Extirpation of Matter from Lower Tooth, Single, Open Approach
Kasper Jewett
Thông báo
Vesicoureter-reflux w reflux neuropath w hydrourt, unil
Revision of Synthetic Substitute in Right Ankle Joint, External Approach
Jewelle Huyton
Thông báo
Blizzard (snow)(ice), subsequent encounter
Division of Sacral Nerve, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Vinson Sidney
Thông báo
Enlarged and hypertrophic nails
Fluoroscopy of Single Coronary Artery Bypass Graft using High Osmolar Contrast, Laser Intraoperative
Waylan Paddick
Thông báo
Other superficial bite of left wrist
Destruction of Left Upper Leg Muscle, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Charis Fulmen
Quảng cáo
Nondisp Maisonneuve's fx r leg, 7thE
Drainage of Right Upper Leg Tendon, Percutaneous Approach
Rikki Carden
Quảng cáo
Dislocation of tarsometatarsal joint of right foot, init
Insertion of External Fixation Device into Right Wrist Joint, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Baxter Deerr
Thông báo
Other mechanical complication of cardiac electrode, sequela
Excision of Right Hand Tendon, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Darryl Bowery
Quảng cáo
Nontraumatic ischemic infarction of muscle, right lower leg
Bypass Transverse Colon to Cutaneous with Autologous Tissue Substitute, Via Natural or Artificial Opening Endoscopic
Carey Patman
Thông báo
Matern care for viable fetus in abd preg, first tri, fetus 1
Supplement Mitral Valve created from Left Atrioventricular Valve with Autologous Tissue Substitute, Percutaneous Approach
Annabela Cottie
Thông báo
Disp fx of epiphy (separation) (upper) of unsp femr, 7thJ
Extraction of Right Elbow Bursa and Ligament, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Beulah Brinkworth
Thông báo
Wedge comprsn fx fourth thor vert, subs for fx w routn heal
Excision of Uvula, External Approach
Yelena Syson
Quảng cáo
Nondisplaced osteochondral fracture of left patella, sequela
Tomographic (Tomo) Nuclear Medicine Imaging of Myocardium using Other Radionuclide
Rosabel Feyer
Quảng cáo
Tox eff of nitro and oth nitric acids and esters, acc, sqla
Replacement of Right Fibula with Nonautologous Tissue Substitute, Percutaneous Approach
Free Eldrett
Quảng cáo
Osteitis deformans in neoplastic diseases, unspecified hand
Restriction of Left Greater Saphenous Vein with Intraluminal Device, Percutaneous Approach
Elbertine Mayzes
Thông báo
Unsp fx third thor vertebra, subs for fx w delay heal
Insertion of Radioactive Element into Genitourinary Tract, Percutaneous Approach
Lanie Middis
Quảng cáo
Burn of third degree of right hand, unsp site, sequela
Revision of Monitoring Device in Azygos Vein, Open Approach
Nicolas Agates
Quảng cáo
Unspecified subluxation of other finger
Removal of Internal Fixation Device from Right Metatarsal, External Approach
Jonathon Lackey
Quảng cáo
Trigger finger, unspecified index finger
Irrigation of Respiratory Tract using Irrigating Substance, Via Natural or Artificial Opening
Zena Heaps
Quảng cáo
34 weeks gestation of pregnancy
Fusion of Right Shoulder Joint with Internal Fixation Device, Percutaneous Approach
Alva Gallant
Thông báo
Insect bite (nonvenomous) of hip
Extirpation of Matter from Perineum Tendon, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Barton Lutz
Thông báo
Nondisp unsp fx unsp lesser toe(s), subs for fx w nonunion
Removal of Autologous Tissue Substitute from Abdominal Wall, Open Approach
Maressa Woolbrook
Thông báo
Autoinflammatory syndrome, unspecified
Supplement Perineum Muscle with Synthetic Substitute, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Panchito Cassedy
Thông báo
Subluxation of MCP joint of right little finger, sequela
Insertion of Internal Fixation Device into Right Toe Phalanx, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Caria Banbridge
Quảng cáo
Disruption of wound, unspecified, sequela
Supplement Left Lower Leg with Autologous Tissue Substitute, Open Approach
Lisetta Probbing
Quảng cáo
Other injury of bladder, initial encounter
Monaural Hearing Aid Assessment using Computer
Modestine Collyns
Thông báo
Intentional self-harm by drown in natural water, subs
Occlusion of Left Large Intestine with Intraluminal Device, Open Approach
Bernardo Albertson
Quảng cáo
Excision of Right Hip Muscle, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Minny Arends
Thông báo
Unsp injury of musc/tend peroneal grp at lower leg level
Stereotactic Particulate Radiosurgery of Pelvis Lymphatics
Granny Couves
Thông báo
Disp fx of right tibial spine, init for opn fx type I/2
Repair Left Little Finger, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Johny Tearle
Thông báo
Displ lateral mass fx 1st cervcal vert, 7thK
Plain Radiography of Left Parotid Gland using Low Osmolar Contrast
Abey Tomasino
Quảng cáo
Fracture of unsp phalanx of finger, subs for fx w nonunion
Osteopathic Treatment of Upper Extremities using Lymphatic Pump
Reinold Sheber
Quảng cáo
Nondisplaced fracture of head of left radius, sequela
Bypass Left External Iliac Artery to Left Femoral Artery with Synthetic Substitute, Open Approach
Rheta MacAndreis
Thông báo
Sacral spina bifida without hydrocephalus
Excision of Middle Esophagus, Via Natural or Artificial Opening
Vic Tease
Quảng cáo
Radiographic dye allergy status
Destruction of Abdominal Sympathetic Nerve, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Janella Cardenoso
Thông báo
Terrorism involving suicide bomber, civilian injured, subs
Destruction of Right Seminal Vesicle, Percutaneous Approach
Cherish Romi
Thông báo
Rheumatoid myopathy with rheumatoid arthritis of wrist
Revision of Synthetic Substitute in Stomach, External Approach
Mel Peake
Thông báo
Abrasion, left ankle, subsequent encounter
Replacement of Right Lower Arm Skin with Autologous Tissue Substitute, Partial Thickness, External Approach
Heinrik Grindall
Thông báo
Unspecified sprain of left thumb
Monitoring of Products of Conception, Cardiac Rate, Via Natural or Artificial Opening
Waldo Celez
Thông báo
Displ commnt fx shaft of rad, l arm, 7thN
Division of Left Finger Phalanx, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Lea Vearncomb
Quảng cáo
Angular blepharoconjunctivitis, right eye
Bypass Right Femoral Artery to Bilateral Femoral Arteries with Autologous Arterial Tissue, Open Approach
Emile Twigger
Quảng cáo
Pathological fracture in other disease, right foot
Supplement Right Lower Arm with Autologous Tissue Substitute, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Harald Lucey
Thông báo
Disp fx of medial malleolus of left tibia, init for clos fx
Dilation of Splenic Artery with Three Drug-eluting Intraluminal Devices, Percutaneous Approach
Flint Bote
Thông báo
Partial traumatic transmetcrpl amputation of unsp hand, subs
Augmentative/Alternative Communication System Device Fitting using Augmentative / Alternative Communication Equipment
Consuelo Baron
Quảng cáo
Other hypertrophic osteoarthropathy, forearm
Caregiver Training in Therapeutic Exercise using Orthosis
Selig Gaskell
Thông báo
Lead-induced gout, ankle and foot
Bypass Left Atrium to Pulmonary Vein Confluence, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Ansley Guyonnet
Quảng cáo
Person outside 3-whl mv inj in clsn w rail trn/veh nontraf
Computer Assisted Procedure of Lower Extremity, With Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Danya Giacobelli
Quảng cáo
Displacement of internal prosth dev/grft, sequela
Removal of Drainage Device from Cervicothoracic Vertebral Joint, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Nadeen Marguerite
Quảng cáo
Activities involving oth sports and athletics played individ
Fusion of Right Finger Phalangeal Joint with Internal Fixation Device, Open Approach
Hagan Kidde
Thông báo
Corrosion of first degree of abdominal wall, init encntr
Immobilization of Right Toe using Splint
Garey Cawkill
Quảng cáo
Other shellfish poisoning, assault, initial encounter
Destruction of Right Foot Vein, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Leanna Leatt
Thông báo
Oth fx upr end l ulna, subs for opn fx type I/2 w delay heal
Control Bleeding in Right Ankle Region, Open Approach
Wally Ghion
Thông báo
Complications of skin graft (allograft) (autograft)
Fluoroscopy of Left Subclavian Vein using Low Osmolar Contrast, Guidance
Inessa Hayler
Thông báo
Other open wound of oth part of neck, subs encntr
Release Lower Tooth, Single, Open Approach
Ariadne Dilland
Thông báo
Superficial frostbite of left wrist
Supplement Left Thumb Phalanx with Nonautologous Tissue Substitute, Open Approach
Janos Summerskill
Quảng cáo
Unspecified perforation of tympanic membrane, bilateral
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Right Breast
Giacinta Pulsford
Quảng cáo
Sequelae of oth infectious and parasitic diseases
Drainage of Right Fallopian Tube with Drainage Device, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Abey Cran
Quảng cáo
Low Dose Rate (LDR) Brachytherapy of Pelvic Region using Cesium 137 (Cs-137)
Tarra Barg
Quảng cáo
Stress fracture, left tibia, subs for fx w delay heal
Supplement Left Fallopian Tube with Nonautologous Tissue Substitute, Open Approach
Beale Goolding
Thông báo
Unspecified occipital condyle fracture, sequela
Revision of Tracheostomy Device in Trachea, Open Approach
Deeanne Brundle
Thông báo
Malignant neoplasm of mediastinum, part unspecified
Drainage of Spinal Canal, Open Approach, Diagnostic
Derrick Wardrope
Thông báo
Poisn by oth parasympath and spasmolytics, assault, sequela
Removal of Drainage Device from Right Tarsal Joint, External Approach
Rosaline Marshman
Thông báo
Displaced trimalleolar fracture of unspecified lower leg
Bypass Portal Vein to Right Renal Vein with Synthetic Substitute, Open Approach
Othilie Norridge
Quảng cáo
Nondisp oblique fx shaft of l tibia, 7thJ
Supplement Left Femoral Region with Nonautologous Tissue Substitute, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Phillie Bearn
Thông báo
Nondisp bimalleol fx r low leg, 7thN
Insertion of Infusion Device into Right Brachial Artery, Open Approach
Lilly Akister
Quảng cáo
Congenital vertical talus deformity, left foot
Supplement Left Breast with Autologous Tissue Substitute, Percutaneous Approach
Phaidra Engledow
Thông báo
Burn of 3rd deg mu sites of unsp wrist and hand, init
Inspection of Right Ankle Joint, Open Approach
Menard Colbran
Quảng cáo
Nondisp bimalleol fx r low leg, 7thG
Division of Lumbosacral Plexus, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Kennett Antonijevic
Quảng cáo
Nondisp fx of head of unsp rad, 7thJ
Dilation of Left Anterior Tibial Artery, Bifurcation, with Two Drug-eluting Intraluminal Devices, Open Approach
Bobbie Lorrain
Quảng cáo
Passenger of special agri vehicle injured nontraf, subs
Destruction of Right Temporal Bone, Percutaneous Approach
Marcy McKibbin
Thông báo
Corros third degree of single r finger except thumb, sqla
Drainage of Left Humeral Head with Drainage Device, Open Approach
George Rodnight
Quảng cáo
Sltr-haris Type II physeal fx upper end of humerus, unsp arm
Revision of Drainage Device in Left Lung, Percutaneous Approach
Gayleen Bursnell
Quảng cáo
Oth soft tissue disorders related to use/pressure, unsp leg
Transfusion of Nonautologous Serum Albumin into Peripheral Vein, Open Approach
Guinna Levett
Quảng cáo
Enteropathic arthropathies
Removal of Drainage Device from Trachea, Via Natural or Artificial Opening Endoscopic
Donovan Andrei
Quảng cáo
Subluxation of tarsal joint of unspecified foot, init encntr
Replacement of Left Atrium with Nonautologous Tissue Substitute, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Roze Alred
Thông báo
Wedge comprsn fx unsp thor vert, subs for fx w routn heal
Drainage of Cervicothoracic Vertebral Disc with Drainage Device, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Stearn Smickle
Thông báo
Postprocedural anterior bulbous urethral stricture
Insertion of External Fixation Device into Left Metatarsal, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Abba Kinleyside
Quảng cáo
Fall (on) (from) unspecified stairs and steps
Supplement of Left Upper Arm Subcutaneous Tissue and Fascia with Nonautologous Tissue Substitute, Percutaneous Approach
Danny Shemmans
Quảng cáo
Nondisp spiral fx shaft of l tibia, 7thJ
Repair Head and Neck Sympathetic Nerve, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Rosabella Gillbee
Quảng cáo
Subluxation of unspecified interphalangeal joint of finger
Insertion of Infusion Device into Left Internal Jugular Vein, Open Approach
Caroline Ellwood
Thông báo
Laceration of lesser saphenous vein at lower leg level
Alteration of Right Upper Leg, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Allie Cornu
Quảng cáo
Occ of anml-drn vehicle injured in clsn w rail trn/veh, init
Drainage of Left Femoral Shaft, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach, Diagnostic
Munroe Cambridge
Quảng cáo
Corrosion of first degree of back of unsp hand, subs encntr
Bypass Right Femoral Artery to Right Femoral Artery with Autologous Venous Tissue, Open Approach
Stephi Krelle
Thông báo
Unspecified injury of unspecified intra-abdominal organ
Lower Bones, Replacement
Jacquenette Charlson
Thông báo
Sltr-haris Type I physl fx low end r tibia, 7thD
Ventilation, Respiration and Circulation Assessment of Circulatory System - Lower Back / Lower Extremity using Other Equipment
Johannes Dunkerton
Quảng cáo
Dislocation of r acromioclav jt, > 200% displacmnt, sequela
Extraction of Right Hand Subcutaneous Tissue and Fascia, Open Approach
Shandy Errigo
Thông báo
Pain in left leg
Extirpation of Matter from Left External Iliac Artery, Open Approach
Pippy Campsall
Thông báo
Nondisp fx of lateral condyle of l humer, 7thK
Control Bleeding in Right Pleural Cavity, Percutaneous Approach
Rog Holehouse
Quảng cáo
Breakdown (mechanical) of GI prosth dev/grft, sequela
Drainage of Right Upper Leg Skin, External Approach, Diagnostic
Charlton Yellowley
Quảng cáo
Displ bicondylar fx l tibia, subs for clos fx w routn heal
Removal of Nonautologous Tissue Substitute from Right Sternoclavicular Joint, Open Approach
Jackquelin McQuarrie
Thông báo
Oth disrd of bone density and structure, hand
Introduction of Other Diagnostic Substance into Upper GI, Percutaneous Approach
Meriel Michell
Quảng cáo
Destruction of Left Acetabulum, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Orton Kuna
Thông báo
Unsp pedl cyclst inj in clsn w nonmtr vehicle nontraf, sqla
Reposition Left Radius with Monoplanar External Fixation Device, Percutaneous Approach
Debera Kembery
Thông báo
Obst due to fb acc left in body following punctr/cath, init
Plaque Radiation of Whole Body
Cy Sturman
Quảng cáo
Abscess of tendon sheath, right shoulder
Division of Optic Nerve, Percutaneous Approach
Penny Shead
Quảng cáo
Connective tiss stenosis of neural canal of lower extremity
Beam Radiation of Liver using Heavy Particles (Protons,Ions)
Damita Truett
Quảng cáo
Cyst of pancreas
Repair Hypoglossal Nerve, Open Approach
Wilden Rocco
Quảng cáo
Driver injured in collision w oth mv nontraf, subs
Supplement Hepatic Vein with Nonautologous Tissue Substitute, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Raymund McGlade
Quảng cáo
Toxic effect of mycotoxin food contaminants, assault, init
Extirpation of Matter from Right Upper Leg Tendon, Percutaneous Approach
Ax Jachimiak
Thông báo
Other superficial bite of left thumb
Insertion of Spacer into Lumbar Vertebral Joint, Open Approach
Fanya Pennetta
Quảng cáo
Driver of bus injured in collision w hv veh in traf, sequela
Prosthesis Device Fitting using Orthosis
Gusti Lanning
Thông báo
Azoospermia due to systemic disease
Extirpation of Matter from Pericardial Cavity, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Alleen Cogin
Quảng cáo
Spondylopathy in diseases classified elsewhere
Replacement of Left Posterior Tibial Artery with Nonautologous Tissue Substitute, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Tatiania Grcic
Quảng cáo
Oth places as the place of occurrence of the external cause
Insertion of Infusion Device into Left Popliteal Artery, Percutaneous Approach
Guillema Miner
Quảng cáo
Burn 3rd deg mu right fingers (nail), not inc thumb, sequela
Extirpation of Matter from Right Hip Tendon, Open Approach
Gabrielle Kleehuhler
Thông báo
Laceration of muscle, fascia and tendon at neck level, subs
Release Right Tympanic Membrane, Via Natural or Artificial Opening
Maribelle Scemp
Thông báo
Placenta previa
Excision of Right Greater Saphenous Vein, Percutaneous Approach
Alric MacCaffrey
Quảng cáo
Violent behavior
Excision of Ileocecal Valve, Via Natural or Artificial Opening, Diagnostic
Jilli Josef
Thông báo
Puncture wound w foreign body of left thumb w damage to nail
Excision of Nose, Open Approach, Diagnostic
Cleve Ellingworth
Quảng cáo
Palindromic rheumatism, right knee
Drainage of Gastric Vein, Open Approach
Thorsten Kolis
Thông báo
Poisoning by tetracyclic antidepressants, undetermined
Revision of Autologous Tissue Substitute in Hepatobiliary Duct, Via Natural or Artificial Opening
Livvy Rimell
Quảng cáo
Unsp open wound of unspecified toe(s) without damage to nail
Drainage of Right Radial Artery, Percutaneous Approach, Diagnostic
Cass Monan
Thông báo
Unsp injury of extensor musc/fasc/tend l thm at wrs/hnd lv
Revision of Synthetic Substitute in Right Pleural Cavity, External Approach
Benny Sellers
Thông báo
Fracture of unsp part of scapula, unspecified shoulder
Repair Papillary Muscle, Percutaneous Approach
Gun Orpyne
Quảng cáo
Other idiopathic scoliosis, cervical region
Resection of Left Temporal Bone, Open Approach
Gustie Gallier
Thông báo
Segmental fracture of shaft of radius
Replacement of Left Upper Arm Subcutaneous Tissue and Fascia with Autologous Tissue Substitute, Percutaneous Approach
Aland Bautiste
Thông báo
Displ commnt fx shaft of unsp fibula, 7thQ
Fusion of Left Knee Joint with Autologous Tissue Substitute, Open Approach
Lorri Mumbray
Quảng cáo
Mtrcy driver injured in clsn w nonmtr vehicle in traf, init
Restriction of Right Temporal Artery with Extraluminal Device, Percutaneous Approach
Paquito Neljes
Thông báo
Mech compl of int fix of bones of hand and fingers
Reposition Intracranial Artery, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Danika Thaw
Thông báo
West Nile virus infection, unspecified
Bypass Bilateral Ureters to Left Ureter with Autologous Tissue Substitute, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Rodolph Mithun
Quảng cáo
Car occupant injured in collision with pedestrian or animal
Excision of Urethra, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach, Diagnostic
Evvy Arter
Thông báo
Monoplg low lmb fol cerebral infrc aff right nondom side
Excision of Descending Colon, Percutaneous Approach
Hoyt Santino
Thông báo
Acquired absence of both cervix and uterus
Plain Radiography of Bilateral Renal Veins using High Osmolar Contrast
Mufi Izaac
Thông báo
Laceration w foreign body of unsp great toe w damage to nail
Bypass Right Vertebral Vein to Upper Vein with Autologous Venous Tissue, Open Approach
Whitaker Symcoxe
Quảng cáo
Congenital cystic lung
Drainage of Perineum Skin, External Approach, Diagnostic
Tania Chitty
Thông báo
Infective myositis, thigh
Dilation of Splenic Artery, Bifurcation, with Drug-eluting Intraluminal Device, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Lorilee Stoffel
Quảng cáo
Diffuse TBI w LOC of 1-5 hrs 59 min, sequela
Removal of Synthetic Substitute from Left Ulna, Percutaneous Approach
Nester Mycock
Thông báo
Complete lesion at T1 level of thoracic spinal cord
Fluoroscopy of Cerebral and Cerebellar Veins using High Osmolar Contrast, Guidance
Alika Kleszinski
Thông báo
Nondisplaced segmental fracture of shaft of left femur, init
Insertion of Internal Fixation Device into Hyoid Bone, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Chaddie Beaconsall
Quảng cáo
Unsp inj flexor musc/fasc/tend thmb at forarm lv, sequela
Excision of Left External Iliac Artery, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach, Diagnostic
Niki D'Ugo
Thông báo
Other juvenile arthritis, multiple sites
Removal of Autologous Tissue Substitute from Lower Muscle, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Laney Duff
Quảng cáo
Poisn by oth antieplptc and sed-hypntc drugs, assault, subs
Resection of Right Shoulder Tendon, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Regen Frohock
Quảng cáo
Unspecified open wound, right ankle
Extirpation of Matter from Uvula, Percutaneous Approach
Truman McWard
Quảng cáo
Lacerat musc/tend post grp at low leg level, right leg, init
Extirpation of Matter from Liver, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Laura Wards
Quảng cáo
Oth symptoms and signs involving the musculoskeletal system
Release Dura Mater, Percutaneous Approach
Marijn Grewer
Thông báo
Laceration with foreign body, right foot, initial encounter
Replacement of Right Hand Skin with Nonautologous Tissue Substitute, Partial Thickness, External Approach
Gael Shovel
Quảng cáo
Crush betw merch ship and oth wtrcrft/obj due to clsn, sqla
Introduction of Analgesics, Hypnotics, Sedatives into Pericardial Cavity, Percutaneous Approach
Maurise Corse
Quảng cáo
Maternal hypotension syndrome, unspecified trimester
Release Intracranial Artery, Percutaneous Approach
Barri Fishpool
Thông báo
Finding of oth substances, not normally found in blood
Restriction of Left Kidney Pelvis with Extraluminal Device, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Margareta Whiffen
Quảng cáo
Parapsoriasis, unspecified
Occlusion of Ileocecal Valve with Intraluminal Device, Open Approach
Dwayne Giacopini
Thông báo
Struck by parrot, subsequent encounter
Replacement of Left Lower Leg Tendon with Autologous Tissue Substitute, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Jessy Duffill
Thông báo
Lacerat flexor musc/fasc/tend r mid fngr at wrs/hnd lv, sqla
Dilation of Coronary Artery, Four or More Arteries with Intraluminal Device, Open Approach
Daniela Beddall
Thông báo
Animl-ridr inj pk-up truck, pick-up truck, van, hv veh, subs
Reposition Left Ulna with Internal Fixation Device, Open Approach
Lucie Tomicki
Thông báo
Acute lymphangitis of perineum
Bypass Left Renal Vein to Lower Vein with Nonautologous Tissue Substitute, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Hermon Wadly
Thông báo
Non-prs chronic ulcer of right ankle w necrosis of muscle
Control Bleeding in Right Lower Arm, Open Approach
Felicle Lanahan
Quảng cáo
Disp fx of ant wall of unsp acetab, subs for fx w delay heal
Drainage of Phrenic Nerve with Drainage Device, Percutaneous Approach
Tina Everill
Quảng cáo
Dislocation of unsp interphaln joint of r mid finger, subs
Release Soft Palate, Open Approach
Rosabella Treweela
Quảng cáo
Displ simp suprcndl fx w/o intrcndl fx r humer, 7thK
Removal of Monitoring Device from Upper Intestinal Tract, External Approach
Teena Lehrmann
Quảng cáo
Contusion of unspecified back wall of thorax, subs encntr
Restriction of Portal Vein with Extraluminal Device, Percutaneous Approach
Kipp Baggiani
Thông báo
Puncture wound without foreign body of lip, sequela
Drainage of Ampulla of Vater with Drainage Device, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Gertruda Oger
Quảng cáo
Burn of third degree of elbow
Excision of Brachial Plexus, Percutaneous Approach
Anderea Montacute
Thông báo
Oth injury of right external jugular vein, subs encntr
Drainage of Right Axillary Vein, Percutaneous Approach
Manfred Manford
Thông báo
Ganglion, right ankle and foot
Drainage of Left Thumb Phalanx with Drainage Device, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Ariana Dawber
Thông báo
Other specified spondylopathies
Transfer Abducens Nerve to Olfactory Nerve, Open Approach
Wildon Szwarc
Quảng cáo
Struck by pig, initial encounter
Revision of Intraluminal Device in Fallopian Tube, External Approach
Isiahi Prydie
Quảng cáo
Glaucoma secondary to eye inflam, bilateral, mild stage
Occlusion of Right Ulnar Artery with Extraluminal Device, Percutaneous Approach
Aprilette Petkov
Thông báo
Contusion of unsp lesser toe(s) w/o damage to nail, sequela
Extraction of Right Brachial Vein, Percutaneous Approach
Hilliary Hosier
Thông báo
Transitory hyperammonemia of newborn
Inspection of Upper Jaw, Percutaneous Approach
Karry Tavinor
Quảng cáo
Prsn brd/alit pk-up/van injured in clsn w nonmtr vehicle
Extirpation of Matter from Left Internal Iliac Artery, Open Approach
Chloe Bracher
Quảng cáo
Acute infarction of small intestine, extent unspecified
Destruction of Large Intestine, Percutaneous Approach
Rawley Plowright
Thông báo
Recurrent dislocation, hip
Occlusion of Right Middle Lobe Bronchus, Via Natural or Artificial Opening
Ophelie O'Fallowne
Quảng cáo
Longitudinal vaginal septum, microperforate, right side
Restriction of Left Common Iliac Artery with Intraluminal Device, Percutaneous Approach
Otha Cubitt
Thông báo
Abnormal retinal correspondence
Excision of Left Femoral Vein, Open Approach, Diagnostic
Stanly Towlson
Quảng cáo
Nondisp osteochon fx l patella, 7thD
Drainage of Aortic Body with Drainage Device, Open Approach
Brnaby Dockwray
Thông báo
Nondisp fx of base of 3rd MC bone, r hand, 7thG
Excision of Left Maxilla, Open Approach
Aluino Lythgoe
Thông báo
Inflammatory polyps of colon
Bypass Left Axillary Artery to Left Upper Arm Artery, Open Approach
Haskell Cardenoza
Quảng cáo
Corrosions of oth parts of unsp eye and adnexa, init encntr
Reposition Right Radius with Hybrid External Fixation Device, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Marni McCluney
Quảng cáo
Spinal enthesopathy, sacral and sacrococcygeal region
Destruction of Left Sacroiliac Joint, Open Approach
Effie Grennan
Quảng cáo
Jumping or diving into unspecified water
Replacement of Right Trunk Tendon with Autologous Tissue Substitute, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Jacobo Hanssmann
Quảng cáo
Osteopathy in diseases classified elsewhere, multiple sites
Drainage of Left Foot Muscle with Drainage Device, Open Approach
Karon Bewsy
Quảng cáo
Laceration without foreign body of left forearm, subs encntr
Dilation of Stomach, Pylorus, Via Natural or Artificial Opening
Shanon Linggood
Thông báo
Disp fx of lateral cuneiform of r ft, 7thG
Destruction of Aortic Lymphatic, Percutaneous Approach
Etheline Elmhurst
Quảng cáo
Stable burst fracture of third lum vertebra, init for opn fx
Extirpation of Matter from Left Vocal Cord, Via Natural or Artificial Opening Endoscopic
Letta Zanini
Quảng cáo
Scombroid fish poisoning, intentional self-harm, sequela
Bypass Superior Mesenteric Vein to Lower Vein with Autologous Arterial Tissue, Open Approach
Selby Fagan
Quảng cáo
Disp fx of med phalanx of r lit fngr, 7thD
Fluoroscopy of Left Wrist using High Osmolar Contrast
Jourdan Gilhool
Quảng cáo
Unsp opn wnd abd wall, left lower q w penet perit cav, init
Removal of Infusion Device from Thoracolumbar Vertebral Disc, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Trent O'Mahoney
Quảng cáo
Bent bone of right ulna
Introduction of Electrolytic and Water Balance Substance into Peripheral Vein, Open Approach
Xylina Ewbanke
Quảng cáo
Algoneurodystrophy, unspecified thigh
Dilation of Left Temporal Artery, Bifurcation, Percutaneous Approach
Gardiner Cardinal
Quảng cáo
Intraop hemor/hemtom of unsp eye and adnexa comp oth proc
Bypass Bilateral Vas Deferens to Left Epididymis, Open Approach
Lorine Fridlington
Quảng cáo
Adverse effect of unspecified psychodysleptics, subs encntr
Supplement Hypoglossal Nerve with Autologous Tissue Substitute, Open Approach
Estevan Leyes
Thông báo
Crushing injury of left forearm, subsequent encounter
Removal of Contraceptive Device from Lower Extremity Subcutaneous Tissue and Fascia, External Approach
Andre Stoeck
Thông báo
Fracture of vault of skull, subs for fx w nonunion
Restriction of Intracranial Vein with Extraluminal Device, Open Approach
Vincenty Bulleyn
Quảng cáo
Oth specific arthropathies, NEC, shoulder
Revision of Infusion Device in Lower Back, External Approach
Merl Row
Quảng cáo
Inj unsp musc/fasc/tend at shldr/up arm, left arm, sequela
Excision of Right Upper Arm Tendon, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Shantee Manicomb
Thông báo
Unsp injury of unspecified intra-abdominal organ, sequela
Excision of Left Metacarpocarpal Joint, Open Approach
Glenn Guierre
Thông báo
Hypertrophy of (infrapatellar) fat pad
Tomographic (Tomo) Nuclear Medicine Imaging of Myocardium using Thallium 201 (Tl-201)
Valene Strand
Thông báo
Disp fx of pisiform, unsp wrist, subs for fx w delay heal
Bypass Left Ventricle to Right Internal Mammary, Open Approach
Layne Roelofs
Quảng cáo
Burn of unspecified degree of nose (septum), sequela
Bypass Left Axillary Artery to Left Lower Leg Artery with Autologous Arterial Tissue, Open Approach
Wilone Stiger
Quảng cáo
Pre-pubertal vaginal bleeding
Supplement Middle Esophagus with Autologous Tissue Substitute, Via Natural or Artificial Opening
Biron Gellibrand
Thông báo
Mech compl of other bone devices, implants and grafts
Removal of Neurostimulator Lead from Right Innominate Vein, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Lon Pharoah
Thông báo
Cyst of bilateral orbits
Supplement Olfactory Nerve with Autologous Tissue Substitute, Open Approach
Kingsly Johantges
Thông báo
Displ avuls fx (chip fracture) of unsp talus, 7thG
Restriction of Transverse Colon with Intraluminal Device, Open Approach
Sheena Jochen
Quảng cáo
Prsnl hx of malig neoplm of lip, oral cavity, and pharynx
Supplement Left Iris with Nonautologous Tissue Substitute, Percutaneous Approach
Eadith Ingham
Quảng cáo
Toxic effect of gases, fumes and vapors, self-harm
Replacement of Left Carpal with Autologous Tissue Substitute, Percutaneous Approach
Marilin Pessold
Thông báo
Crushing injury of unspecified lower leg, subs encntr
Inspection of Salivary Gland, Open Approach
Pavel Bracer
Thông báo
Nondisp fx of unsp tibial tuberosity, 7thR
Muscle Performance Treatment of Integumentary System - Lower Back / Lower Extremity using Prosthesis
Kendricks Deroche
Thông báo
Displ transverse fx shaft of unsp tibia, 7thQ
Drainage of Left Conjunctiva with Drainage Device, External Approach
Minna Greir
Thông báo
Unspecified open wound of trachea, sequela
Dilation of Coronary Artery, Three Arteries, Bifurcation, Percutaneous Approach
Fredek Quantrell
Quảng cáo
Burn of second degree of unsp thumb (nail), subs encntr
Revision of Spacer in Occipital-cervical Joint, Percutaneous Approach
Elizabet Biset
Thông báo
Corrosion of first degree of right axilla, sequela
Drainage of Right Rib with Drainage Device, Percutaneous Approach
Freddy Janikowski
Quảng cáo
Mechanical complication of gastrointestinal prosth dev/grft
Removal of External Fixation Device from Right Finger Phalanx, Percutaneous Approach
Jamesy Rauprich
Thông báo
Displ bicondylar fx unsp tibia, 7thE
Introduction of Liquid Brachytherapy Radioisotope into Female Reproductive, Via Natural or Artificial Opening
Collin Berthomieu
Thông báo
Malig neoplasm of lower-outer quadrant of left female breast
Fluoroscopy of Left Foot/Toe Joint using High Osmolar Contrast
June Bernadot
Thông báo
Burn second deg of unsp site left lower limb, except ank/ft
Ventilation, Respiration and Circulation Assessment of Respiratory System - Upper Back / Upper Extremity
Helsa Eppson
Thông báo
Complete traumatic transmetcrpl amp of left hand, subs
Fusion of Right Shoulder Joint with Autologous Tissue Substitute, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Kacie Lord
Quảng cáo
Unspecified dislocation of left shoulder joint, subs encntr
Revision of Extraluminal Device in Hepatobiliary Duct, Percutaneous Approach
Coletta Garm
Quảng cáo
Acquired absence of kidney
Revision of Nonautologous Tissue Substitute in Penis, Via Natural or Artificial Opening Endoscopic
Dalia Rickis
Quảng cáo
Ped on rolr-skt injured in collision w hv veh nontraf, init
Excision of Right Lower Arm, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Issy Novotni
Thông báo
Laceration w/o fb of r idx fngr w damage to nail, sequela
Transfer Trochlear Nerve to Trochlear Nerve, Open Approach
Yoshi Sapsed
Quảng cáo
Wedge compression fracture of third lumbar vertebra, sequela
Dilation of Left Anterior Tibial Artery, Bifurcation, with Two Intraluminal Devices, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Emmalynn Shearwood
Thông báo
Low-tension glaucoma, left eye, moderate stage
Insertion of Other Device into Left Knee Region, Percutaneous Approach
Corty Bapty
Thông báo
Anterior dislocation of left humerus, subsequent encounter
Reposition Left Radius with Intramedullary Internal Fixation Device, Percutaneous Approach
Wilburt Peddersen
Thông báo
Nondisplaced comminuted fracture of shaft of unsp fibula
Dilation of Right Vertebral Artery, Bifurcation, Percutaneous Approach
Editha Figin
Thông báo
Milt op involving explosion of guided missile, milt, init
Resection of Products of Conception, Ectopic, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Nellie Mathes
Quảng cáo
Spastic hemiplegic cerebral palsy
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Right Wrist
Eldridge Shotboult
Quảng cáo
Age-rel osteopor w crnt path fx, unsp low leg, 7thD
Excision of Left Hand Artery, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Harmonie Welfare
Thông báo
Displaced intertrochanteric fracture of unsp femur, sequela
Removal of Radioactive Element from Male Perineum, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Arni Knapton
Quảng cáo
Retrobulbar neuritis, bilateral
Fusion of Right Metacarpocarpal Joint with External Fixation Device, Percutaneous Approach
Darleen Castagnier
Quảng cáo
Partial traumatic amputation of foot at ankle level
Drainage of Right Shoulder Region, Percutaneous Approach, Diagnostic
Anetta Sellan
Quảng cáo
Burn due to other powered watercraft on fire
Removal of Autologous Tissue Substitute from Left Patella, Open Approach
Bengt Coppen
Quảng cáo
Meconium aspiration with respiratory symptoms
Bypass Inferior Vena Cava to Lower Vein, Open Approach
Garvey Van der Velde
Thông báo
Occ of anml-drn vehicle inj in clsn w statnry object, sqla
Excision of Olfactory Nerve, Percutaneous Approach, Diagnostic
Sukey Risebrow
Quảng cáo
Corros third deg of unsp site unsp lower limb, except ank/ft
Therapeutic Exercise Treatment of Integumentary System - Lower Back / Lower Extremity using Orthosis
Tisha Bunclark
Quảng cáo
Stress fx, unsp ulna and radius, subs for fx w malunion
Removal of Nonautologous Tissue Substitute from Face, Percutaneous Approach
Shurwood Cornbell
Thông báo
Jump/div into swimming pool strk surfc causing drown, init
Excision of Right Ovary, Percutaneous Approach, Diagnostic
Erich Allon
Thông báo
Nondisp fx of base of unsp MC bone, subs for fx w nonunion
Occlusion of Right Radial Artery with Intraluminal Device, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Ciro Tomkins
Quảng cáo
Nondisp fx of lateral condyle of l femr, 7thQ
Fusion of 8 or more Thoracic Vertebral Joints with Synthetic Substitute, Posterior Approach, Posterior Column, Open Approach
Clareta Orbon
Thông báo
Non-institutional (private) residence as place
Caregiver Training in Application, Proper Use and Care of Prosthesis using Prosthesis
Randolf Librey
Thông báo
Sltr-haris Type II physl fx low end r fibula, 7thD
Drainage of Back Subcutaneous Tissue and Fascia, Open Approach, Diagnostic
Laraine Snaith
Thông báo
Inj flexor musc/fasc/tend l idx fngr at wrs/hnd lv, subs
Resection of Duodenum, Open Approach
Angie Cockram
Thông báo
Coloboma of lens
Insertion of Intraluminal Device into Anus, Via Natural or Artificial Opening
Kass Sotworth
Quảng cáo
Contusion of lung, unilateral, subsequent encounter
Release Perineum Bursa and Ligament, External Approach
Tremaine Spurden
Quảng cáo
Oth injury of anterior tibial artery, left leg, init encntr
Supplement Lumbar Vertebral Disc with Synthetic Substitute, Open Approach
Lancelot Bumford
Quảng cáo
Nondisp fx of triquetrum bone, left wrist, init for clos fx
Excision of Mesenteric Lymphatic, Open Approach, Diagnostic
Emlyn Fossitt
Quảng cáo
Unsp fx r low leg, subs for opn fx type I/2 w delay heal
Supplement Lumbosacral Joint with Autologous Tissue Substitute, Open Approach
Celie Castell
Thông báo
Disorder of fatty-acid metabolism, unspecified
Introduction of Analgesics, Hypnotics, Sedatives into Biliary and Pancreatic Tract, Percutaneous Approach
Edie Allard
Thông báo
Other accident with wheelchair (powered), sequela
Release Right Femoral Artery, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Donnie Skull
Thông báo
Malignant melanoma of unspecified part of face
Laser Interstitial Thermal Therapy of Peripheral Nerve
Dmitri Battyll
Quảng cáo
Other displaced dens fracture, sequela
Revision of Drainage Device in Cisterna Chyli, Open Approach
Emmalyn Perrington
Thông báo
Other fracture of T11-T12 vertebra
Repair Left Lacrimal Bone, Open Approach
Lani Colledge
Thông báo
Toxic effect of carbon monoxide
Revision of Nonautologous Tissue Substitute in Mediastinum, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Jayne Drakeford
Thông báo
Nondisp pilon fx r tibia, 7thE
Insertion of External Fixation Device into Right Knee Joint, Open Approach
Anastassia Leeb
Thông báo
Fused fingers, right hand
Excision of Right Lower Leg Muscle, Open Approach
Gerhard Sisneros
Quảng cáo
Inj oth musc/tend at lower leg level, right leg
Supplement Right Sternoclavicular Joint with Autologous Tissue Substitute, Percutaneous Approach
Lyndel Mussetti
Thông báo
Burn of unspecified degree of female genital region, sequela
Dilation of Right Axillary Artery, Bifurcation, with Two Drug-eluting Intraluminal Devices, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Malynda Horning
Quảng cáo
Inj flexor musc/fasc/tend r rng fngr at wrs/hnd lv, subs
Dilation of Left Subclavian Artery, Bifurcation, with Intraluminal Device, Percutaneous Approach
Brande Shacklady
Quảng cáo
Displ spiral fx shaft of ulna, r arm, 7thP
Excision of Left Eye, Percutaneous Approach, Diagnostic
Ham Barsam
Thông báo
Inj cutan sens nerve at hip and high level, right leg, subs
Systemic Nuclear Medicine Therapy of Whole Body using Samarium 153 (Sm-153)
Emmi Sneaker
Quảng cáo
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Thorax Subcutaneous Tissue
Sherman Vakhonin
Thông báo
Unsp injury of fallopian tube, unspecified, subs encntr
Dilation of Right Subclavian Artery, Bifurcation, with Three Drug-eluting Intraluminal Devices, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Adelice Skarr
Thông báo
Nondisp fx of prox phalanx of finger, subs for fx w malunion
Excision of Uterus, Percutaneous Approach, Diagnostic
Auberta McMackin
Thông báo
Other specified injury of superior vena cava, init encntr
Bypass Left Common Iliac Artery to Lower Artery with Nonautologous Tissue Substitute, Open Approach
Spike Jurkowski
Thông báo
Lac w/o fb of abd wall, r upper q w penet perit cav, init
Bypass Coronary Artery, One Artery from Left Internal Mammary with Zooplastic Tissue, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Wright Kruschev
Thông báo
Other abnormal findings on antenatal screening of mother
Replacement of Right Hip Joint, Femoral Surface with Metal Synthetic Substitute, Cemented, Open Approach
Tommy Skillitt
Thông báo
Burn of first degree of left scapular region, subs encntr
Fragmentation in Cystic Duct, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Mareah Shoemark
Thông báo
Corros third degree of unsp single finger except thumb, init
Destruction of Thyroid Gland, Percutaneous Approach
Marsha Maddyson
Thông báo
Displ transverse fx shaft of unsp fibula, 7thN
Excision of Epiglottis, Via Natural or Artificial Opening, Diagnostic
Renee Bonass
Quảng cáo
Blister (nonthermal), left knee, initial encounter
Supplement Nose with Nonautologous Tissue Substitute, External Approach
Sabra Bricket
Quảng cáo
Toxic effect of venom of tarantula, undetermined, init
Revision of Monitoring Device in Upper Artery, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Marcia Jeavon
Thông báo
Newborn affected by malpresentation before labor
Repair Upper Gingiva, Percutaneous Approach
Gardener Alvar
Thông báo
Driver of hv veh injured in collision w oth mv nontraf, subs
Integumentary Integrity Assessment of Neurological System - Head and Neck
Roxy Dello
Thông báo
Acquired clawfoot
Repair Scrotum, Percutaneous Approach
Roxana Benterman
Quảng cáo
Blister (nonthermal) of left index finger, initial encounter
Restriction of Abdominal Aorta, Bifurcation, with Extraluminal Device, Open Approach
Melisent Vanner
Thông báo
Blister (nonthermal), right great toe, subsequent encounter
Resection of Bilateral Vas Deferens, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Sybil Powdrill
Quảng cáo
Postproc hematoma and seroma of a resp sys org fol a proc
Occlusion of Right Thyroid Artery, Open Approach
Hedvige Longson
Thông báo
Unspecified injury of left foot, initial encounter
Alteration of Left Breast with Nonautologous Tissue Substitute, Percutaneous Approach
Jannel Lightwood
Thông báo
Nondisp transverse fracture of shaft of left fibula, sequela
Repair Left 5th Toe, Open Approach
Alejandra Baudasso
Thông báo
Cellulitis and acute lymphangitis of other sites
Removal of Synthetic Substitute from Great Vessel, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Gregoire Capron
Thông báo
Basal cell carcinoma of skin of trunk
Dilation of Hepatic Artery with Two Drug-eluting Intraluminal Devices, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Raynor Clemow
Quảng cáo
Fracture of unsp metatarsal bone(s), right foot, init
Extirpation of Matter from Hymen, Percutaneous Approach
Bekki Shearsby
Thông báo
Riboflavin deficiency
Fusion of Left Temporomandibular Joint with Synthetic Substitute, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Hyacintha Dodswell
Thông báo
Oth athscl unsp type bypass of the extremities, left leg
Reposition Right Radius with External Fixation Device, Percutaneous Approach
Connie Le Ball
Thông báo
Displaced oth extrartic fx l calcaneus, init for opn fx
Restriction of Right Lower Extremity Lymphatic, Open Approach
Barbe Riby
Quảng cáo
Other chronic hematogenous osteomyelitis, unsp shoulder
Excision of Pancreatic Duct, Via Natural or Artificial Opening, Diagnostic
Pamelina Standbrooke
Quảng cáo
Enuresis not due to a substance or known physiol condition
Bypass Left Pulmonary Artery from Innominate Artery with Nonautologous Tissue Substitute, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Gratiana Courtier
Thông báo
Encounter for oth general cnsl and advice on procreation
Immobilization of Left Upper Extremity using Brace
Guenna Capron
Thông báo
Toxic effect of contact w oth venom marine animals, slf-hrm
Removal of Internal Fixation Device from Left Radius, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Gabriel Crimin
Thông báo
Burn of second degree of shoulder
Reposition Right Metatarsal-Phalangeal Joint with External Fixation Device, Open Approach
Candice Ruby
Quảng cáo
Subluxation of MTP joint of unsp toe(s), subs
Excision of Right Radius, Open Approach, Diagnostic
Amalia Pighills
Thông báo
Toxic effect of contact with other venomous fish
Destruction of Lumbosacral Plexus, Percutaneous Approach
Torry Plumbridge
Thông báo
Other spontaneous disruption of unspecified ligament of knee
Dilation of Left Internal Carotid Artery, Bifurcation, with Two Drug-eluting Intraluminal Devices, Open Approach
Leda Sutor
Thông báo
Primary blast injury of other part of small intestine
Release Abducens Nerve, Open Approach
Gustaf Dowle
Thông báo
Striking against other object with subsequent fall
Transfer Right Lower Leg Subcutaneous Tissue and Fascia with Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue, Open Approach
Madelon Vassman
Thông báo
Adverse effect of unspecified general anesthetics, sequela
Supplement Right Hepatic Duct with Synthetic Substitute, Percutaneous Approach
Westbrook Byham
Quảng cáo
Poisoning by unsp hormone antagonists, self-harm, sequela
Transfer Olfactory Nerve to Abducens Nerve, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Dacy Gillespie
Thông báo
Motorcycle driver injured in collision w pedal cycle nontraf
Insertion of Other Device into Left Lower Extremity, Percutaneous Approach
Padraic Corsan
Thông báo
Displ Maisonneuve's fx r leg, subs for clos fx w malunion
Dilation of Right Femoral Artery, Bifurcation, with Three Drug-eluting Intraluminal Devices, Open Approach
Ayn Brislane
Quảng cáo
Mechanical loosening of internal left hip prosthetic joint
Drainage of Back Skin, External Approach
Selle McCague
Thông báo
Other mechanical complication of infusion catheter, sequela
Repair Right Upper Leg Tendon, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Wendi Mouncher
Quảng cáo
Inj intrinsic msl/tnd at ankle and foot level, left foot
Occlusion of Left Axillary Artery with Extraluminal Device, Open Approach
Colleen Finnes
Quảng cáo
Poisoning by other viral vaccines, undetermined, sequela
Replacement of Atrial Septum with Nonautologous Tissue Substitute, Open Approach
Alley O'Cleary
Thông báo
Nondisp midcervical fx r femr, 7thF
Bypass Right Ventricle to Pulmonary Trunk with Zooplastic Tissue, Open Approach
Helyn MacCahey
Quảng cáo
Abrasion, unspecified lesser toe(s), subsequent encounter
Change Drainage Device in Upper Jaw, External Approach
Chicky Allport
Thông báo
Mammographic microcalcification found on dx imaging of brst
Dilation of Coronary Artery, One Artery with Radioactive Intraluminal Device, Percutaneous Approach
Lorrie Dansey
Quảng cáo
Embolism due to genitourinary prosth dev/grft
Bypass Sigmoid Colon to Sigmoid Colon, Via Natural or Artificial Opening Endoscopic
Sibeal Sollars
Thông báo
Mech compl of gastrointestinal prosth dev/grft, init
Somatosensory Evoked Potentials Assessment using Somatosensory Equipment
Sarene Tilt
Thông báo
Unspecified injury of tail of pancreas, sequela
Muscles, Release
Yoshi Bart
Quảng cáo
Foreign body in anus and rectum, subsequent encounter
Resection of Right Upper Arm Muscle, Open Approach
Brucie Southworth
Quảng cáo
Bipolar disord, crnt episode manic w/o psych features, mod
Extirpation of Matter from Cecum, Via Natural or Artificial Opening
Mellie Blackater
Thông báo
Inhalant use, unsp with inhalant-induced anxiety disorder
Bypass Coronary Artery, Three Arteries from Aorta with Nonautologous Tissue Substitute, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Mara Oldman
Quảng cáo
Congenital pulmonary arteriovenous malformation
Extirpation of Matter from Right Hand Artery, Bifurcation, Open Approach
Louis Schruyers
Quảng cáo
Hypersensitivity pneumonitis due to other organic dusts
Motor Function Treatment of Integumentary System - Upper Back / Upper Extremity using Assistive, Adaptive, Supportive or Protective Equipment
Molly O'Codihie
Thông báo
Actvty,oth w exter property & land maint, bldg and construct
Removal of Neurostimulator Lead from Right Innominate Vein, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Gertrude Janoch
Quảng cáo
Driver of pk-up/van inj in clsn w pedl cyc nontraf, sequela
Drainage of Right Fibula, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach, Diagnostic
Katha Aubrey
Thông báo
Allergic and dietetic gastroenteritis and colitis
Replacement of Left Femoral Vein with Synthetic Substitute, Open Approach
Flynn Bras
Quảng cáo
Complete traumatic amputation of right hand at wrist level
Computerized Tomography (CT Scan) of Right Patella using Low Osmolar Contrast
Isidro Mabbe
Thông báo
Nondisp oblique fx shaft of r rad, 7thE
Insertion of Infusion Device into Vas Deferens, Via Natural or Artificial Opening Endoscopic
Galvan Robardet
Quảng cáo
Age-rel osteopor w crnt path fx, unsp site, 7thK
Revision of Autologous Tissue Substitute in Hepatobiliary Duct, External Approach
Coralie Cartner
Thông báo
Toxic effects of trichloroethylene
Bypass Ascending Colon to Transverse Colon with Autologous Tissue Substitute, Via Natural or Artificial Opening Endoscopic
Wernher Booth
Thông báo
Corrosion of first degree of left shoulder
Revision of Tracheostomy Device in Trachea, Percutaneous Approach
Casey Meran
Thông báo
Minor laceration of unsp pulmonary blood vessels, subs
Drainage of Accessory Pancreatic Duct with Drainage Device, Percutaneous Approach
Allan Masselin
Quảng cáo
Oth fx shaft of l femr, 7thH
Bypass Right Common Iliac Artery to Abdominal Aorta, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Perle Chander
Thông báo
Oth athscl nonbiological bypass of the extremities, left leg
Destruction of Left Peroneal Artery, Open Approach
Allyn Kindall
Thông báo
Nondisp fx of ant process of r calcaneus, init for opn fx
Drainage of Left Inferior Parathyroid Gland, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Ashely Noad
Quảng cáo
Oth endo, nutritional and metab diseases compl preg/chldbrth
Excision of Right Fibula, Open Approach, Diagnostic
Saunderson Bruyns
Thông báo
Nondisplaced fracture of head of left radius, sequela
Fusion of Left Finger Phalangeal Joint with Internal Fixation Device, Percutaneous Approach
Ardisj Corroyer
Thông báo
Sltr-haris Type IV physeal fx lower end of ulna, left arm
Insertion of Monitoring Device into Bladder, Open Approach
Meridith Jakoviljevic
Thông báo
Poisoning by unsp psychodysleptics, undetermined, subs
Supplement Right Clavicle with Nonautologous Tissue Substitute, Percutaneous Approach
Orazio Larkings
Quảng cáo
Unsp nephritic syndrome w diffuse membranous glomrlneph
Introduction of Electrolytic and Water Balance Substance into Lymphatics, Percutaneous Approach
Agretha Pavlishchev
Thông báo
Malignant neoplasm of right optic nerve
Insertion of Stimulator Lead into Stomach, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Shayna Redborn
Quảng cáo
External constriction of left middle finger, subs encntr
Occlusion of Transverse Colon with Intraluminal Device, Via Natural or Artificial Opening Endoscopic
Birgitta Giorgeschi
Quảng cáo
Torsion of fallopian tube
Control Bleeding in Right Knee Region, Percutaneous Approach
Noelani Kingwell
Thông báo
Asphyxiation due to smothering under pillow, self-harm, init
Dilation of Sigmoid Colon, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Audrey Sherman
Quảng cáo
At-home childcare provider, perp of maltreat and neglect
Bypass Left Subclavian Vein to Upper Vein, Open Approach
Dani Gleadhell
Thông báo
Adhesions and ankylosis of TMJ joint, unspecified side
Monitoring of Cardiac Output, External Approach
Sondra Goater